I Beg Your Pardon, I Never Promised You . . . Arizona Eudiamonia Day 8, 4/25/24

Dear Isaac, Maia and Virtual Wanderers,

Along with the sunshine, there has to be a little rain, sometimes. And wind. Lots of wind! It’s weird to think that just 48-72 hours ago we were slathered in sunscreen in “feels like 99” weather. However, we decidedly did see a rose garden while duly slathered.

Today, we saw the Petrified Forest. It’s dog friendly, so we stop both going home most years. Usually Painted Desert going, longer in Petrified Forest coming home.

I remember the year I discovered Agate House – it’s been a few years ago. I felt a little cheated that it took me a few years to know of its existence. Then, just about 3 years ago, I discovered the Blue Mesa trail. My kind of Blue Zones!

Today, we did both trails. The wind was obnoxious. It’s almost every time we come that we get a major windstorm here. It’s been worse. One year it gusted to 80s and poison Sazi had an asthma attack.

Agate House is cool. I want to live in a house made of petrified wood! I want to paint this into a clock! I think the Native Pueblo Indians were clever to build this place.

After snack food in the car, we proceeded to Blue Mesa. The wind was still blasting plus spitting rain. The pups enjoyed the walk other than that. As for me, I feel my art instincts boiling to the surface surrounded by the colorful Badlands on this 1 mile loop hike.

From there, our favorite dog photo icon spot at the Route 66 turnout. I’ve taken photos of my pack here since 2014, except 2020. Faces change 😦 but the desert is timeless.

Then on to the best, most authentic Navajo Tacos on the planet. We will see what Mother Nature has in store tomorrow.

Love, GM ❤️ (Cathy)

Published by Cathy.hartt55@gmail.com

I am an advanced practice registered nurse living in Montrose, Colorado. I am a life-long student of resilience, optimism, and positive psychology. I now am following my creativity strength and running an art business called Art from the Hartt. I'm located at Country Flair in downtown Montrose and on both Etsy and Goimagine.

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